Centris maculifrons Smith, 1854:372, ♀. ♀, Brazil (B.M.). - Smith, 1874Smith, F. 1874. A revision of the genera Epicharis, Centris, Eulema, and Euglossa, belonging to the family Apidae, Section Scopulipedes [Continued from p. 322]. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History ser. 4: v. 13:357-373. (distribution); Cresson, 1879Cresson, E.T. 1879. Catalogue of North American Apidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences 7:215-232. (distribution); Dalla Torre, 1896Dalla Torre, C.G. 1896. Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus, X. Apidae (Anthophila). Sumptibus Guilelmi Engelmann, 1-643. (distribution); Cockerell, 1899Cockerell, T.D.A. 1899. Catálogo de las Abejas de Mexico. Biblioteca Agricola de las Secretaria de Fomento, Mexico, 1-20. (distribution); Friese, 1900Friese, H. 1900. Monographie der Bienengattung Centris (s. lat.). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 15:237-350. (distribution); Cockerell, 1906Cockerell, T.D.A. 1906. The North American bees of the family Anthophoridae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 32 (1):63-116. (distribution); Lutz & Cockerell, 1920Lutz, F.E. & T.D.A. Cockerell 1920. Notes on the distribution and bibliography of North American bees of the families, Apidae, Meliponidae, Bombidae, Euglossidae, and Anthophoridae. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist 42 (15):491-641. (distribution).